TEC 2000 Diesel Injector Cleaner is a multifunctional injector cleaning agent designed for diesel engines. It thoroughly cleans injectors and injector nozzles, significantly improving the atomization and spray pattern of injected fuel. The cleaner enhances fuel combustion and noticeably reduces the characteristic black smoke emitted from the exhaust system.
The cleaning properties of the product help maintain the overall efficiency of the engine for a longer period. Data from laboratories and service stations clearly indicate that regular use of TEC 2000 Diesel Injector Cleaner extends the lifespan of injectors.
Tests conducted in laboratory settings by independent certification agencies unequivocally show that using TEC 2000 Diesel Injector Cleaner immediately reduces harmful emissions by up to 60% and increases power. Regular use of the product has also been noted to decrease fuel consumption by 4% to 8%.
Is diesel injector cleaning safe? TEC 2000 Diesel Injector Cleaner contains strong lubricating ingredients and does not dry out injectors during operation, making it completely safe. Using the cleaner will unblock and clean stuck injectors while simultaneously lubricating them. The animation below shows the lubricating components of the product.